Exhibitor Information

Application Availability and Deadline
The applications for our WSU Spring Family Arts & Crafts Fair ( formerly known as Moms’ Spring Fair) will always become available on the first week of January of each year.  Links are just below.  If you have problems with the form on this site, please e-mail me and I will send a more direct link.  dlgenterprises.lg@gmail.com

April 4 & 5, 2025  Here is the application link:  WSU Spring Family Arts & Crafts Fair 

The Fall Vintage & Handmade Fair is a one day fair on a Saturday in October.  Application is available immediately after the spring fair.

Interested in exhibiting?  Here is how to apply:

On-line application:  You may submit 6 photos representing your work plus a photo of your booth.  Put your photos in a .pdf file or submit each individually as .jpg files.

We are charging a  convenience charge for PayPal of just about 3.5%, that is what they charge us to offer this option to you.

Beasley Coliseum, 925 NE North Fairway Road, Pullman, WA, on the WSU Campus.  This is a beautiful setting on the concourse of the Coliseum.  It is an indoor event!  There will be concessions offered by WSU Food Service, typical football stadium basic food.  We will have a list available of delivery services for other options.

These are juried fairs. Selection is based on quality, creativity, and  originality with an eye towards attaining a wide variety of crafts at  this show.  We accept only original work made by the artist on site (no  imports, work from kits, or prefabricated wholesale items).  We may  (rarely) allow commercial products, on a limited basis, where the  criteria for acceptance is based upon the uniqueness of the product, and the sole discretion of the promoters.

If you are sharing a booth, each exhibitor’s items must be juried  Please send at least 6 representative photos  of your work and a  photo of your booth setup, if possible.  Please expect that we will hold your pictures until the fair and return them to you at the fair.

Prior participation in our fairs does not guarantee acceptance into any  present or future fairs  We reserve the right to reject any  application.

Booth spaces and Fees for the Spring Fair (2 day)

Half Booth:                  6 1/2 x 5    Check:  $105         PayPal   $109  
Single Booth:             6 1/2 x 10   Check:  $210         PayPal   $218
Booth and a half:     6 1/2 x 15   Check:  $315         PayPal   $327
Double booth:         6 1/2 x 20   Check:  $420        PayPal   $436

Booth spaces and Fees for the Fall Fair (1 day) 2024

Half Booth:                 6 1/2 x 5    Check:  $55        PayPal   $58 
Single Booth:             6 1/2 x 10  Check:  $110         PayPal   $116
Booth and a half:     6 1/2 x 15  Check:  $165        PayPal   $174
Double booth:          6 1/2 x 20 Check:  $220       PayPal   $232

Standard booth size is 6 1/2 x 10 feet, booth and a half is 6 ½ x 15, Double is 6 ½ x 20, half booth is 6 1/2 x 5. There will be an 8 foot walkway through the center of the  concourse with booths on either side. (We cannot accommodate 10×10  setups). Click on this link to get to a general map of the Coliseum) We do assign booth spaces as applications are received and  approved. Chances of getting any special booth placement requests are  increased by early application date as well as participation in our  previous shows.  A new exhibitor with a unique product may be accepted  while a long-time exhibitor who applies late may get turned down if  their category is full by that time:  e.g. jewelry and multi-media are categories that may fill up quickly.

We are doing Vendor Spotlights on Facebook and on Instagram.  We need to have good photos to be able to post.  Please send us good photos, at least 6 representing your items.  One photo of your booth space.  This is our first impression.  We can go to your business FaceBook page and Instagram, but we would like to have photos that you attach to your application or send as e-mail attachments.

Our advertising begins in a general way two months before the each fair and goes into high gear 2 weeks before the fair.  Advertising includes  electronic billboards, highway signs, newspaper advertising, listing in  phone books, posters, various internet calendar listings, and Beasley  Coliseum sends electronic notifications sent to every WSU Student,  Staff, and Faculty.

WSU Trademarks Licensing Information

Food Vendor Requirements
The main food concession for the fair is operated by WSU Food Service. All vendors providing food to the public (including free samples) must contact the Whitman County Health Department (WCHD) 509-397-6280 to determine if a permit to serve food is required, and to obtain the permit. The State of Washington does require  that our food vendors have Food Handler’s Permits. There may be other permits required. Our fair is always checked for compliance.  Click here for further information and information on getting a food handlers permit. Here is the link for a Temporary Food Event Permit: https://whitmancountypublichealth.org/environmental-health/food-safety

Washington State Temporary UBI Number
Exhibitors are responsible for the collection and payment of Washington State Sales Tax.  You can obtain a temporary UBI certificate from this on-line site https://dor.wa.gov/contact/temporary-registration-certificate. phone 360-705-6705.  Pullman’s Tax Rate is 8%.  We are required to collect Washington UBI tax numbers.

Parking Information
Parking on WSU Campus is always a challenge that is complicated by the large events on Campus.  One major concern is the presence of RV’s on Campus.  Please follow this link to WSU Transportation Services for further clarification .  RV’s will cost $150 to have them on the Campus after unloading.  They are very restricted as to where then can be parked and on the loading and unloading areas.  We work closely with WSU Transportation Services (Parking) to do the best we can to be clear about the rules and regulations.  You may call or e-mail for further clarification.

Setup and breakdown hours for the Spring Fair
We typically set up the Thursday from 4pm to 8pm.  Setup starts Friday from 8am to 10am.  Fair opens at 10am.

Setup and breakdown hours for the Fall Fair 2024
Saturday, set up 7am-10am, breakdown 5pm
Open hours: 10am-5pm

Lodging Options: Check Chamber of Commerce in Pullman, Moscow, Colfax.
Please see our page for  RV Campsites for other options

Rules & Regulations:

  • Vendors must remain set up for the entire  fair, unless other arrangements have been made.
  • Vendors must provide their own tables, chairs, and long extension cords if electricity is anticipated.
  • We do not accept post-dated checks.
  • We do not cash your check until acceptance.  If your check clears your bank, you have been accepted, please check with us if you did not receive acceptance materials.
  • No smoking or alcohol allowed in the building.  No open flames, no pets.
  • Every vendor must submit photos of their items, 6 minimum plus one of the booth setup.
  • No political, campaign or controversial material may be distributed from any exhibit area or exhibit space.
  • In the event of circumstances beyond our control, including, but not limited to, the fear or threat (whether actual or perceived) of a pandemic virus outbreak or an act of termism, this event will be cancelled.
  • Any and all other regulations, including those of WSU and Beasley Coliseum, which may be necessary for the safety and benefit of exhibitors and the general public not listed in this application, shall be adhered to by all exhibitors.
  • DLG Enterprises has the complete and final authority to terminate this contract at any time during move-in or fair hours, resulting in a loss of all rentals paid and forfeiture of all rights obtained by the provisions of this agreement, if we deem it necessary for the safety or our staff and/or the overall security of the fair.
  • Booth fee is non-refundable after acceptance.

Once we have received your application and photos, we will send you a e-mail with the status. If accepted, you will receive an acceptance e-mail with information about payment.  There will be a link to PayPal that you can use for payment.  You do not need a PayPal account, you may sign in as a guest and use whatever credit or debit card you wish to use.   Using check?   You may elect to send check upon acceptance notification.